Sunday 4 March 2018

The Piggy Bag

I blame Miss Luck. 'Who is Miss Luck?' I hear you ask. Miss Luck was the Deputy Head of the Lower School at the Girls School where I spent 5 years of my life. She was our music teacher and had a bag with a pig on it. She called it her Piggy Bag. Or maybe that's what we called, can't quite remember, anyways ...  

The Piggy Bag was filled with a wondrous collection of percussion instruments from all over the world, with the kind of sounds that made a young gal like me, sit up straighter than straight.

I LOVED that Piggy bag. Trouble was, only the 'good' or the 'best' girls got to play the instruments in it and sadly, I was seldom the best at anything except maybe trying (I can hear my Nan telling me, 'That's ok, because God loves a trier').

So, when I got older, I couldn't resist buying any quirky percussion instrument that I set my eyes on and pretty soon, my whole home became my Piggy Bag.

Heavens only knows what Miss Luck would make of my new handpan! Here's a little video clip of us getting to know each other. It is such a connection to my heart. 

When I became deaf, I didn't ever think I could feel this connected to sound again ... please excuse the bad recording, squeaky floorboards and remember I am just beginning to learn handpan ... that said, it truthfully is just the most wonderful feeling to play it ... 

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