Saturday 8 July 2017

Surprise Visitor at Quiet Space

A lovely little girl came into Quiet Space today. We tipped out the Indian Lampwork beads onto the floor and she chose the two she wanted. It can take some time to decide. I gave her a little Tibetan Silver Buddha head bead to put with them because she told me she had a Buddha at home. Then she noticed the little jars of fairydust ... a must have for any little one.

Not long after she had left, she returned with her Mother,  Sara Edwards, one of Wales best known and loved TV & Radio presenters. I 'know' Sara because she invited me as a Guest on her Desert Island Discs Programme on Radio Wales about 10 years ago. She must meet 1000's of people but she remembered me and the CD I had given her. I explained about my hearing condition and how Quiet Space was a new venture for me to explore my creativity in new ways, now that sustained music is no longer an option for me. 

It is such a lesson, being still. As a singer/songwriter/musician I have literally been rushing from one gig to the next my entire life. It has been a very exciting lifestyle but I honestly can not believe how magical keeping still is, too. It makes me wonder about all the things we miss by being too busy to do anything other than rush to the next thing. I return to think of trees, as I often do. Stood in the same place for centuries & utterly wise.

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